Friday, August 15, 2008

CPI Forms

My Competent Private Instruction (CPI) forms are all signed, and now need to be mailed into the school districts.

Praise God! What a good feeling.

Necole is going to be my supervising teacher... so if you see a comment from Necole -- she's the boss. What she says goes. LOL Oh... I'mJustKidding!! I love Necole. She is a good friend. A good friend who will tell the truth in a loving way.

So -- the ball is rolling. I feel like I need to sit down and make up a schedule. Why? Oh -- I don't know... so I can look back on this day 3 months from now and shake my head at my wasting of my time. I NEED to be organized... that's why... a schedule makes me feel orderly. Aren't we supposed to do things decently and in order. If things are on the list, they usually get over looked.

I guess making a schedule is the next thing on my to do list.

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