Thursday, November 13, 2008

NEW PLAN For Mansel

Now Mansel:

English. LFFC says; students will develop their ability to think and express their thoughts correctly. Kinds of sentences, punctuation and capitalization rules, recognition of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions, contractions, antonyms, homonyms, alphabetizing of words, dictionary skills, and writing compositions are all covered throughout the course of the year. Spelling 3 contains 36 weeks of spelling lists with activities. I sold his Primary English Lessons already. So he's coasting right now. He will be playing catch up this year. LFBC will be tough for him, but he'll catch on... eventually.

Literature. THIS I'm excited about. He's devouring everything I find for him to read. LFBC uses the McGuffey readers for 1-6th grade literature. Vocabulary words and definitions; comprehension activities are all found in this course. McGuffey’s Third Eclectic Reader is used for reading comprehension and oral reading. I hope these old books will challenge him.

Math. He had been using LFBC for 1st and 2nd grades. Then I decided to go ALL MFW. So he took the placement test on a bad day. Placed really low... he has flown through his Singapore math. He finished 1B (easy peasy), now is in 2A and almost done with them both in 44 days. LOL So this 3rd grade LFBC math will be GREAT for him. I'm looking forward to it.
All basic concepts and skills learned in third grade are reviewed. Place value to millions; English and metric measures; perimeter and area; factoring; adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions; multiplying three-digit factors; reducing fractions; time lapse; multiples; basic geometric shapes; divisibility rules; five steps in division; reading a thermometer; writing decimals; and word problems are all taught and reviewed. Tori did LFBC math through 4th grade, then I started Saxon. She took a placement test and it said start in the 7/6 book. WOAH... I didn't. LOL she LFBC has good math, if you ask me. I'll probably stick with this through 12th grade. For only $40 a year... how can you beat that? Well -- free would beat it... but the QUALITY is great!

Then for Science, History and all the extras. There is the library. I'm going to get a scope and sequence from LFBC. I'll be checking out from week to week what the 3rd graders would be doing that week in science and history. Then we'll make our library book list from that S&S. I really like the idea of a book basket. Dan suggested I concentrate on the 3r's for the boys for now. So Literature (reading) English (writing) and Math (arithmetic). There ya have it. No art, no music. OK -- so we do those things in our day... just not "formal" class.

Mansel will be able to do most of the workbooks himself, but will really need to be monitored to not day dream. He'll stay in the same room as I while doing his school work. Now -- I think I'll use a timer with him and he'll work for 20 minutes at a time, taking a break in between each subject. I'll let him decide if he wants to work on each subject several times a day... or 1 subject per day... several times a day. We'll see... he can feel like he has choices as well.. but he'll be doing math and spelling every day. No choice there.

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