Monday, May 28, 2012

2012 Summer

We are now in summer mode of school.

9:00 READ BIBLE (we are following a schedule with our church - hope to read through the OT once in 2 years and the NT twice).

Before 9:00 everyone is responsible for getting themselves up, making bed, straighten room, dress, eat breakfast, clean up from breakfast...  so - depends upon how fast they can do all that stuff - how soon they need to wake up.

9:30 MATH - for those who need to keep on keeping on with Math.  Milo will be doing Life of Fred slowly, using the Khan Academy to learn it a different way, if need be.  Mansel is still doing L.O.F. and so is Tori.

10:00 CHORES... we each have a zone....  After their zone is done - free time.

that's it.  I hope to do some "free reading" this summer... going to sneak in a little reading practice with Milo and Danilelle - don't tell them this is school... it's supposed to be FREE.  :)  We'll sign up for the library book program this summer - that will help motivate them for reading, I believe.

Let summer begin!!  (Actually - I'm looking forward to next fall - I love a new school year.)

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